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Are You Ready for Drug or Alcohol Addiction Treatment? 5 Signs It’s Time

By on Dec 24, 2022 in Addiction, Blog

friends, drinking, drunk, alcohol, drug, addiction, treatment, party, sober

Drug and alcohol addiction isn’t something you can hide. You may know you’re struggling with your ability to control what you are using, even if you’re not willing to admit that just yet. For many people, substances are a tool for dealing with stress, trauma, pain, and just life itself. You may believe you can control your use or stop at any time.

The reality is, when dependence occurs, it’s nearly impossible for a person to stop using these substances on their own. The sooner you get into a treatment center, the more likely you are to protect your physical and mental health from the challenges addiction creates.

Signs It’s Time to Get Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment

It’s not easy to come to the conclusion that you need professional help. You may be scared to admit that, or it may feel as though you’re failing. Yet, the bravest and most substantial thing you can do to change your future is to get help. If you’re noticing any of the following symptoms in yourself, it’s time to seek out treatment. Be as honest as possible with yourself.

#1: You Tried to Stop but Couldn’t

Take a closer look at the last time you stopped using substances. How hard was it? Why did you start again? Addiction and dependence change the function and structure of the brain, rewiring your brain so that you’re unable to stop using drugs or alcohol on your own. Substances become critical to living, it can seem. If you tried to stop and couldn’t, that’s an indication professional treatment is necessary.

#2: You’re Suffering Severe Consequences from Use

Take a closer look at what’s happening in your life that could be impacted by your continued substance use. When your continued use is creating significant consequences, it’s time to get help. Some examples include:

  • You’re losing friendships and struggling with relationships, often feeling increasingly alone.
  • Your marriage is failing, and you cannot seem to stop it.
  • You’re no longer able to meet your financial obligations because you cannot hold a job.
  • You are facing legal complications due to reckless driving, DUIs, assault charges, or other matters.
  • You’ve overdosed in the past. Your health is suffering from your continued use.

In each of these situations, seeking out help from a treatment center is critical. Treatment may not be able to reverse all of this damage, but it can help you start on the path toward a better future.

#3: You Need Substances to Get You Through the Day

One of the most challenging realizations for many people is this one. You cannot get through the day without feeling intense cravings for substances. Sometimes it’s masked. You may think, “I just need a drink after all of the stress of this day.” Other times, you know you need stimulants to function at work, or you find yourself in need of opioids to deal with chronic pain. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I think about using substances often?
  • Do I think about the next dose I’ll get or hide substances at work so that I always have access to them?
  • Am I often late to family or work functions because I need to use something first?

These types of situations indicate a need for professional treatment. Your body is conditioned to want and even need these substances. Breaking that hold will require detox and treatment.

#4: Are You Afraid of the Consequences of Not Using Substances?

Some people use drugs and alcohol as a way to control mental health disorders. If you don’t use these drugs, you may be afraid of what could happen. Symptoms of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder can be debilitating and far harder to control than the use of substances.

If you are relying on substances as a way to control mental health challenges, know that eventually this will no longer work. Treatment for both addiction and mental health can occur at the same time, restoring your health and well-being.

#5: Your Loved Ones Have Told You That You Need Help with Addiction

You think you’re balancing everything just fine. You are still making money, spending time with your family, and controlling your use. Yet your family has told you that you need help. Perhaps even your boss has suggested there’s a problem.

Recognize that most people in your life will only communicate this need with you if they care. They see the changes in you easier than you can see them in yourself. They may not understand the complexity or the challenge of getting care, but they can see you need help.

(If you love someone who is showing signs of addiction, here’s how to start a conversation with them about getting into treatment.)

Take the Time Now to Get Help with Addiction

You don’t have to live with these challenges. At Victory Addiction Recovery Center in Lafayette, Louisiana, we’re committed to providing you with exceptional support and guidance to help you reclaim your life and your health.

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Looking for co-occurring disorder treatment in Lafayette? To learn more about our programs at Victory Addiction Recovery Center, please contact us anytime at (337) 379.7700.