Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Louisiana
There is a solution to drug abuse and there are people who are willing to give their all to help and support you, but first you have to make the decision to choose life over death. Victory drug abuse treatment center in Louisiana can help you do that.
Being consumed by an addiction to any substance can make you feel as if you are losing control of your life, and, truthfully, you are. Active addiction creates a life that is completely and utterly unmanageable, unpredictable and certainly unstable. Control is not the only thing we lose. When we continue down the path of destruction, we lose the things we hold dearest, including family and loved ones, but we also lose our self-respect and self-worth. Fortunately, there is outside, professional help that is entirely dedicated to helping you get your life back on track.
Drug Abuse Treatment Center in Louisiana
At Victory drug abuse treatment center in Louisiana our team is knowledgeable, friendly and helpful. Our admissions department staff are completely willing to answer any questions you may have. They can help you understand what to expect from start to finish. They can also aid and assist by dealing with your insurance directly, or if you do not have insurance, they can help create a financial plan for you. Either way, we are going to do everything we can to help you get the treatment you deserve. You can have a life worth living that exists beyond simply obtaining the next high. People have done it before you, many continue to stay sober today, and you can do it too.
After admission, we offer several levels of treatment. Detox may be necessary before entering treatment, and we help you detox under the strict supervision of our trained medical staff. You will also meet with a licensed counselor to determine the best course of action during your inpatient treatment; we create an individualized plan for each client. Our drug abuse treatment center in Louisiana offers residential treatment, outpatient therapy, family sessions and relapse prevention. We also support you with aftercare programs that help keep you connected to your newfound recovery.
At Victory Addiction Treatment Center, we understand that recovery does not simply end once your treatment is complete, which is why we stay in contact with you even after you leave our facility.
If you or someone you love are suffering from addiction, please contact us now for more information at (337) 379-7700.