Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in Louisiana

Clients with substance abuse issues can get treatment in our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) while living at home. Victory Addiction Recovery Center’s IOP is the logical step in completing an inpatient rehabilitation program for alcohol addiction or a dual diagnosis.
About Intensive Outpatient Addiction Programs
An intensive outpatient addiction program gives clients the support they need to continue developing their relapse prevention skills. Participating in an IOP also gives clients time and the opportunities to address issues that remain unresolved in these areas of their lives:
- Relationship
- Employment
- Legal
- Personal
The staff’s goals and strategies for engaging with clients may be similar to those used during a residential treatment program. The main difference is the intensity and duration of the services provided in IOP.
Comparison of Outpatient and Inpatient Addiction Treatment Services
Both types of programs provide clients with:
- Group Counseling
- Individual Counseling
- Relapse Prevention Programs
- Drug and Alcohol Education
Inpatient addiction treatment programs generally last 30-90 days. Some programs allow clients to stay longer than 90 days, depending on their needs. These programs provide between three and five counseling sessions weekly. Residential programs usually provide more substance abuse counseling than outpatient treatment programs but clients live on campus during this time.
An outpatient treatment session usually lasts 45 to 60 days. Clients receive one or two counseling sessions weekly (one or two hours per session).
Clients participating in outpatient treatment for addiction are more likely to receive benefits such as psychotherapy, employment counseling, and family therapy sessions.
Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Addiction
Intensive outpatient treatment programs give clients a combination of the resources and attention of inpatient programs with the flexibility of outpatient programs. These hybrid treatment programs are specifically helpful for clients with dual diagnosis, such as anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions along with addiction. IOP treatment programs have significant benefits:
- Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Addiction is More Affordable
Compared to an inpatient addiction treatment program, IOP addiction treatment is a more affordable option. Clients do not have to pay for room and board or meals while attending an IOP treatment program.
- IOP Participants Receive Helpful Resources
IOP counselors may provide participants with planners, worksheets, and relapse prevention plans. They may even offer the program clients digital tools to help with sobriety management.
- Peer Support is Available
Since most IOP treatment sessions occur in a group format, the participants can learn from their peers. Everyone shares with and relates to each other in these sessions, which teaches all participants they aren’t alone in their challenges with staying sober.
Clients will develop close relationships with other participants in the IOP group. These friendships form the basis of sober support relationships that can turn into long-term friendships and support systems.
- Clients Can Attend to Their Family Responsibilities
Participants in an IOP addiction treatment program can spend time with their families or care for their children while receiving support to preserve their sobriety or treat their mental illness. These programs are flexible enough so that clients can attend to their family’s needs and still attend sessions to support their sobriety.
- Participants Can Go to Work or School with IOP Treatment
An IOP addiction treatment program is flexible, allowing participants to continue working or attending classes. The flexibility helps participants maintain a routine and maintain their responsibilities while continuing their addiction treatment.
The IOP gives clients practical coping skills and strategies that the client can use immediately in real-life settings like the workplace or the classroom. Clients can try out their new skills and then share whether they felt they were successful with the group at their next meeting.
- Family and Friends Able to Support Clients
Many clients benefit from IOP treatment programs since they have the support of family and friends. Participants can continue spending time with those closest to them while receiving the help they need.
When clients “check into” an inpatient addiction treatment program, administrators often recommend they focus their full attention on getting well for at least the first several weeks. The program staff wants the new arrivals to get used to the routine inside the treatment center and focus entirely on their recovery.
There is also a concern that seeing someone from “the outside” too soon will only encourage an inpatient client to request to leave before the client has given the treatment a chance to help the person struggling with an addiction.
- Participants can Practice their Relapse Prevention Skills
IOPs give clients the
Intensive Outpatient Program for Addiction in Louisiana
Evidence-based assessment tools and programming form the foundation for Victory Addiction Recovery Center’s clinical program. Our addiction counselors use Trac9, an online tool that uses standardized assessments to help clients and their treatment team members track their progress.
About Trac9
We know that success in addiction treatment requires more than someone saying that they want to get sober. Every week, clients complete several assessments, which include known factors associated with long-term sobriety. Trac9’s algorithm uses a combination of these variables, demographics, risk factors, etc., to predict a participant’s likelihood of failure in an addiction treatment program.
As the client completes the assessments during treatment, Trac9 software carefully monitors all the variables. It is a valuable tool for creating individual treatment plans.
Trac9 measures our clients’ clinical symptoms to ensure clients are benefitting from their addiction treatment. Participants should report a reduction in the following symptoms over time:
- Anxiety
- Cravings
- Depression
- Stress
Addiction counselors also monitor the participants’ resilience factors, which are just as important. The Trac9 assessments also monitor the client’s commitment to sobriety, spirituality, optimism, and quality of life in recovery. The resilience factors are vital to determining which clients are most likely to achieve long-term sobriety successfully.
What Does IOP Treatment at Victory Addiction Recovery Center Look Like?
Victory Addiction Recovery Center’s IOP treatment program includes:
- Group and individual counseling.
- Educational lectures.
- Process groups.
- A 12-step program forms the foundation of our program.
IOP Schedule
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings 6:00-9:00 pm
Addiction counselors schedule weekly individual counseling sessions at convenient times for each client
Clients benefit from an individualized approach to treatment. Our small group settings allow participants to explore personal issues that contribute to the cycle of addiction. We invite our clients’ loved ones to Family Night every month. These sessions discuss problems that are vital to a healthy recovery.
Victory’s Intensive Outpatient Program Includes:
- 36 group counseling sessions
- Drug and alcohol testing
- Referral for detox and medical services
- Individual counseling
- Family groups
Clients participating in Victory’s IOP program:
- Develop and enhance skills to lead a substance-free life
- Transition to outpatient services for participants coming to IOP from a higher level of care.
- Understand relapse and learn to intervene in the process before returning to active addiction.
- Build recovery resilience skills.
- Integrate into 12-step recovery programs and other peer support.
Our IOP treatment program counselors can address special needs based on our clients’ age or life situation.