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Drug Addiction Treatment for Corporate Employees – Why and How to Get Help

By on Oct 10, 2020 in Addiction, Blog, Recovery

stressed handsome Black man at corporate job sitting in front of computer

In the 1940s and 1950s, it was common for a stiff drink to be a component of any business negotiation. Today, we recognize that drugs and alcohol shouldn’t be in the workplace. Yet many men and women working in high-powered, high-stress corporate jobs still use drugs or alcohol to take the edge off.

Dependence Quickly Leads to Addiction

Perhaps a drink after work or a quick smoke between meetings is all you think you need. But when you’re working with addictive substances, the risk for dependence is constant. If you start to feel that you cannot get through the day without using drugs or alcohol, you are approaching dependence. From dependence, it’s just a short road to addiction. The repercussions of dependence and addiction are astounding, but you are not alone. Victory Addiction Recovery Center can help.

Why Do Corporate Employees Use Drugs?

Contrary to the stereotype, drug addiction doesn’t impact just those with low incomes and blue-collar jobs. It impacts people from all walks of life, all backgrounds, and all careers. Why does it happen in a corporate setting? There are numerous reasons:

  • The day-to-day stress of the job is intense.
  • Long work hours may make stimulants seem necessary to stay functional.
  • The competitiveness required to achieve a new promotion or raise forces you to work longer hours.
  • Using drugs or alcohol can help hide mental health complications like stress and anxiety.

You may think you’re not in danger of addiction since you’re still able to juggle all of your responsibilities. In fact, you may be a high-functioning addict: you can carry out tasks, hold meaningful conversations, fulfill responsibilities, and even seem to manage relationships well even though your addiction is compromising your health–and your future.

Are You Facing Drug Abuse or Just Using Safely?

Another misconception about corporate drug addiction is that it’s not really addiction at all. You may think you can stop using at any time. You may believe you only use socially and “once in a while” at work. You may even think you don’t have an addiction or a problem because you never use at work–just after work, before work, and on your days off. However, consider the warning signs:

  • You are late for work often or you need to take a nap during the workday.
  • You feel agitated and irritable when you can’t use for a long period of time.
  • You can’t create a proposal, handle the boss, or do well in a negotiation until you “take the edge off” first, using some type of substance.
  • Financially, you are struggling because of your addiction.
  • Other people in your life, both at home and at work, have noticed a problem.
  • You make poor decisions because you didn’t have time to plan, research, or focus on the work to be done.
  • You’re not as effective or as efficient as you used to be. Your communication skills are failing.

Admitting that you may have an addiction is perhaps one of the most difficult things you can do. It is also one of the bravest moves you can make for your future. What’s more, you can get help. You can fix this. You can address your addiction and, over time, rebuild your relationships and career while also maintaining your health and well-being.

What to Do Right Now

If you’re facing drug and alcohol addiction or worried you could be, take action:

A high-powered life doesn’t have to damage your future through drug and alcohol addiction. All you need to do is to reach out immediately for help. We can help you rebuild your life, heal relationships, and find the path toward a bright future.

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To learn more about our programs at Victory Addiction Recovery Center, including our treatment program for professionals in Louisiana, please contact us anytime at (337) 379.7700.