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Benefits of Sober Living Programs

By on Jun 19, 2015 in Blog, Recovery

brick house with a cement heart cut out - benefits of sober living programs - victory addiction recovery center - lafayette lousiana drug addiction and alcohol detox and treatment centerIt takes a lot of work to change the thinking and behaviors that accompany the disease of addiction. The person must commit and re-commit to do whatever it takes to stay sober. It is a tremendous challenge in early recovery to assimilate AA meetings, a job, family, friends, paying bills, and working with a sponsor. This is where sober living programs can make a tremendous difference in the quality of life for someone in early recovery. As friends and loved ones, we try to help the person in their recovery, but our help can often turn into enabling behavior that increases the chances of relapse.

One of the first notable benefits of sober living programs is the sense of relief family members feel when they know their loved one will have the support they need. A host of structured activities, including workshops, group therapy, 12-Step work, and household chores are scheduled into each resident’s day. Compliance with all assigned activities and accountability to the experienced staff are required, without exception. Adding to the benefits of sober living programs are the connections that these programs have with the community-at-large. Partnering with small businesses and local colleges, sober living homes offer residents the opportunity to attend classes, find employment, and perform service work. Sober living homes also provide long-term support and resources.

Altogether, the greatest benefits of sober living programs lie in the experience, strength, and hope they offer to those in recovery and to their loved ones. Sobriety starts with the last drink or drug, but recovery starts with the freedom that is earned by a willingness to do the hard work on oneself and give back to others. The structure, tools, support, fellowship, and assimilation into the community-at-large are gifts of the sober living programs that keep on giving to all of us, redefining relationships and setting the course for sustainable recovery.

Victory Addiction Recovery Center is connected to many sober living programs nationwide. If you have any questions or would like help finding local options, please feel free contact us anytime at (337) 379-7700.