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Addiction Treatment for Professionals: How To Stay Discreet

By on Apr 24, 2017 in Addiction, Blog

Addiction Treatment for Professionals: How To Stay Discreet - silhouette of businessman - victory addiction recovery centerMany people who seek addiction treatment may feel nervous about others finding out about their illness; they may fear losing their jobs, relationships, or reputation.

People whose professions are high-profile, like executives, school superintendents, or prominent newscasters, may feel even more pressure to keep their addiction treatment private. In fact, the fear of being “found out” often keeps these professionals from seeking help, sometimes until it is too late.

Because of the social stigma of addiction, most treatment centers value and respect the client’s anonymity. In fact, anonymity is the very foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous and similar 12-step groups. Professionals who are especially concerned for their privacy, however, may want to look into treatment centers that offer professional programs specifically catered to protecting privacy while connecting clients to support groups made up of other professionals. Some 12-step programs form special interest groups, such as Physicians Only, LGBTQ only, Lawyers Only, and more.

Many professionals find that after spending some time in recovery, they are no longer afraid of being “found out”; at this point, they may decide to join a mainstream recovery program.

It can be argued that mainstream programs have advantages that professionals will not get from a more isolated recovery group. Mingling with people from all walks of life adds a richness to the recovery experience and fosters the compassion and humility that help ensure long-term well-being.

Professionals looking for a unique and safe treatment experience can consult with an employee relations professional or an intervention specialist. They may consider joining the Professionals Program at Victory Addiction Recovery Center. Victory offers specialized treatment for professionals to educate, support, and assist them in a smooth transition back to work.

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To learn more about our programs at Victory Addiction Recovery Center, please contact us anytime at (337) 379.7700.

Discreetly Helping Professionals Stay Sober. Hartford Business Journal. Retrieved April, 2017.