Aftercare & Alumni
Addiction doesn’t go away, and neither does Victory.
Aftercare is an excellent way to stay connected to other alumni and is helpful in sustaining long-term sobriety. Our aftercare clients remain involved with others in recovery, build support systems in the community, and create closer bonds with fellow Victory alumni. Aftercare meets weekly, and our participants always enjoy seeing an old friend.
We are honoring our responsibility as a treatment provider to provide continuing care for clients who have been diagnosed with a progressive chronic illness. We would be doing a disservice to our clients and their families if we didn’t offer aftercare. I wouldn’t work for a program that doesn’t provide continuing care services.
—Peter, Victory staff member
The road of recovery doesn’t end when you leave Victory. We have an active alumni program designed to keep our graduates connected to the Victory community while they journey into their individual recovery. Sharing experiences is a big part of many people’s recovery and alumni can do this in a safe environment on our app.
We invite you to stay connected with us and your peers in our alumni program, which offers the following benefits:
- The Victory app: A social media app customized for Victory alumni only. It serves as a way for us to stay more connected to you and for you to stay in touch with others who have graduated from Victory. We offer resources, support, contests, and updates on all alumni events.
- Events: Monthly Social Events, an Alumni & Family BBQ, and Christmas Party.
- Weekly Aftercare Meetings: these meetings are held each Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Zoom. This is a networking and support group to share your challenges and successes in recovery.
- Quarterly Newsletters: Information includes updates to programming and the Alumni Group, ways to strengthen and keep on track in recovery, and alumni spotlights that feature stories of how graduates found Victory and what their life is like now in recovery.
- Return as a Guest Speaker: Return to Victory six months after leaving to speak to our current clients.
Our alumni coordinator Jonathon is here to assist former clients in getting and staying connected in the recovery community.
“One of the big things I am focusing on with our alumni program is unity, ‘Personal recovery depends on unity.’ As a 12-year combat veteran I have experienced a brotherhood like no other; in recovery, it is very similar. Many people in recovery share a bond because of shared struggles and experience; unity can be built on these shared experiences when nurtured in a positive way. My goal is to help people find a community they can feel a part of, and can challenge them in both recovery and life.
“As a veteran I understand what it means to serve. I continue my lifelong service to the Victory alumni, and those who still suffer. As a person in recovery myself, I understand many of the struggles new clients face when leaving a treatment facility. I am the hand of Victory to the community and our former clients.”
– Jonathon F., (US Army Retired)
Weekly Aftercare Meetings: these meetings are held at Victory each Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. This is a networking and support group to share your challenges and successes in recovery.
Click here to request an invite to our Victory App or scan the code below.