Alcohol Addiction Rehab Center Near Opelousas
Victory Addiction Treatment Center is the ideal alcohol addiction rehab center near Opelousas.
We are conveniently located in Lafayette, LA, which is only about a 30-minute drive from Opelousas. We are committed to full family recovery because addiction and alcoholism affect not only the person using, but the entire family unit. Relationships become strained and it’s important to get professional help to reestablish connections.
The entire process of inpatient recovery begins with admissions, where you will be asked a few questions. We want to understand you and your individual needs right from the beginning; this allows for you to have a direct say in your recovery.
Alcohol and Drug Detox
After admissions we begin detoxification, if this is necessary. This can be a very intense form of treatment, but it is necessary in order to proceed. The mind and body need to be cleared of all chemicals in order to begin recovery. Our alcohol addiction rehab center near Opelousas will ensure that you are monitored 24/7 during this time.
Inpatient Treatment
Duration of inpatient treatment will vary depending on the individual. During this time our licensed counselors will be incorporating various treatment options such as group therapy, individual therapy, the 12 steps of recovery, exercise and body wellness as well as many others. Our alcohol addiction rehab center near Opelousas also believes in the importance of a strong support system. As was mentioned before, we understand that relationships can become strained during addiction, which is why we help everyone work together to open the lines of communication and better understand one another.
Family Care Support Group
Alcohol and drug abuse affects everybody in the family. Family week is a great time for fellowship between individuals and their families as well as others involved in the program. You will see that you have more in common with the other residents than you might think. Recovery works best when you stay connected to other like-minded individuals.
For more information about Victory Addiction Recovery Center, call (337) 379-7700 anytime or you may email us.