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Community Forum: The Value of Self

By on Feb 4, 2014 in Blog

father howard - community forum: the value of self at victory addiction recovery center in lafayette louisianaOrdained in 1976, Father Howard Blessing is well known among the Catholic Priesthood. He currently serves at Holy Cross Catholic Church here in Lafayette. He strives to help his community “discover the sacred” that he believes lies within all creation.

Father Howard Blessing will be visiting us here at Victory Addiction Recovery Center in Lafayette, Louisiana for a community forum on “The Value of Self” this month. He will be speaking about the journey from wounded to wholeness, and the importance of loving ourselves to truly value not only ourselves but those around us. Seats will be limited, so we suggest registering for the event in advance.

This seminar is only one of many bi-monthly community forums that focus on a different topic every event at VARC. This forum with Father Howard Blessing will begin Wednesday, February 12th at 6:00 PM at the Victory Addiction Recovery Center facility. Be sure to register today for this seminar by emailing or calling us at (337) 379-7700.

-Andrea Rayburn

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