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DUI and Alcohol Abuse

By on May 5, 2016 in Alcoholism, Blog

DUI and alcohol abuse continue to be a big problem in the U.S., changing lives and killing too many.

dui and alcohol abuse - police officer breathalyzer - victory addiction recovery centerOn average, a drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before their first arrest. Does getting a DUI mean that someone may have a drinking problem or that they just made a mistake?

Those who misuse alcohol or drugs often fall short of their responsibilities and make poor choices. We often see this with work, family, and social responsibilities. Alcohol misuse also leads people to participate in situations that can be risky and/or dangerous, like aggravated fighting, operating machinery, and yes, driving under the influence.

Not only is driving under the influence risky for the driver, but it is also risky for everyone else on the road.

In 2013, 10,076 people died in drunk driving crashes – one every 52 minutes – and 290,000 were injured in drunk driving crashes. DUI and alcohol abuse (misusing alcohol) continue to be prevalent in our communities.

Here are some ideas to keep yourself accountable so that you don’t drink and drive:

  • Have a plan prior to leaving the house.
  • Have a designated driver.
  • Keep the phone number of a car or cab company close by.
  • Make an agreement with everyone to protect each other.
  • If throwing a party, take your guests’ keys or invite them to stay the night.

Misusing alcohol and then getting behind the wheel of a car is serious, scary, and preventable. As responsible adults, we all need to be more vigilant in preventing ourselves and others from drinking and driving.

If you believe you or a loved one may have a problem with alcohol abuse, contact us at (337) 379.7700. Our admissions specialists are standing by.


MADD – Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved April, 2016.
Vital Signs: Alcohol-Impaired Driving Among Adults – United States, 2010. (2011, October 07). Retrieved April, 2016.