What to Expect in Early Recovery
Many people in addiction treatment might wonder what to expect in early recovery.
Your life is about to change in a profoundly beautiful way, but it is going to take work. Early recovery requires that you have a willingness to change. That’s all. Just the slightest bit of willingness will do.
You can also expect that your body will go through some changes.
We normally neglect ourselves in active addiction, so recovery brings the nourishment our body so desperately needs. Many people begin working out or engaging in physical activity. In early recovery, you’ll want to cultivate a healthy diet to replace the nutrients your body lost during addiction.
You may gain or lose weight in recovery. You may start to become aware of physical limitations or digestive issues that you didn’t notice as much before. Regardless of what happens, remember that you are now on a path to health. Your body isn’t accustomed to nutrition instead of mind-altering substances. Give it time, work with a doctor or nutritionist, and appreciate your new relationship to your body.
Early recovery can also be full of emotions and feelings.
Drug and alcohol use numbs emotions. When we get sober, it’s almost like we have exposed wires for nerves. We actually start feeling things again, and this is often a little scary at first. Remember, it’s completely natural and human to have emotions and feel them. It is unnatural to block them out completely. Even though early recovery can seem daunting at first, trust that getting help is one of the best decisions you could ever make.
Sick and tired of being sick and tired? We can help you learn how to live a drug- and alcohol-free life. Contact us today at (337) 379.7700.