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Fun Activities for Sober People

By on Aug 5, 2016 in Blog, Recovery

fun activities for sober people - man surfing at sunset - victory addiction recovery centerRecovery is about finding yourself again. It’s painful, exciting, hopeful, and scary. Many wonder how they will ever have fun again because for so long fun was associated with booze, pills, a needle, or a pipe.

Now that you’re in sobriety, your perception of “fun” needs to change. Take this exploratory time to find out what you enjoy doing and what you find fun. Things that were boring before may now ignite a fire inside. You may have to think out of the box, but we’ll get you started with some of the top fun activities for sober people:

Fun activities for sober people who enjoy nature:

Clear your mind and go for a nice walk or hike. Use this time to connect with nature and truly appreciate what’s around you. If you’re into water, visit a beach, learn to surf, or go fishing in a nearby lake. Want to really connect with nature? Rough it with a planned camping trip!

Fun activities for sober people who are creatively artsy:

Are you a creative hands-on type of person? Try something new like taking a pottery or painting class. Prefer doing something solo? Paint by numbers, doodle, sketch, or color. If you’re more of a spectator, visit an art gallery!

Fun activities for sober people who love music:

Have you ever wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument? Now may be a good time to start. Haven’t picked up your guitar in a while? It’s like riding a bike – try it again. How about taking a seat at a symphony and soaking it all in?

Fun activities for sober people who love exercise:

We love endorphin’s because they’re natural, FREE, and LEGAL “feel good” hormones! Find your exercise passion: Is it bicycling, dancing, or running? Something out there is for you; you just have to think out of the box.

Whatever fun activities you participate in, remember to be easy on yourself. You don’t have to try everything under the sun, and you don’t have to like everything, either. Things are going to look and feel differently now that you’re sober. Life has so much to offer, so find what you love doing and enjoy it!

If you or someone you love needs help overcoming addiction, please contact us anytime at (337) 379.7700.