Louisiana Addiction Recovery Treatment
As a top Louisiana addiction recovery treatment center, Victory is here to help you or your loved one find a path recovery.
As a prime Louisiana addiction recovery treatment center, Victory continues to provide the tools needed for those suffering in order to transform their lives. Through innovative and cutting-edge treatment programs, the men and woman that arrive at Victory Addiction Recovery Center will reenter the world with a sense of balance, confidence and a strong recovery foundation. The skills learned at Victory are designed to create a lifetime of recovery for the clients.
What sets Victory apart from other Louisiana addiction recovery treatment centers?
First and foremost it is the caring and compassionate team of medical doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists who specialize in the field of addiction. With the goal of long-term sobriety, the team at Victory Addiction Recovery Center is available 24/7 no matter what level one is in need of regarding recovery.
Also setting Victory apart from the other Louisiana addiction recovery treatment centers is the holistic mental and emotional healing treatment offered in both inpatient and outpatient programs. This includes the participation in and attendance of group 12-Step Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, meditation and spirituality group discussions and exercises, physical training and exercise, along with solid nutrition programs and more.
The admission process and patient needs assessment is completely hassle free.
The team at Victory Addiction Recovery Center will identify the best program suited to your recovery. Whether intense alcohol and drug detox is needed or not, plans can be devised through either the inpatient treatment or an outpatient program.
It’s apparent the entire team at Victory Addiction Recovery Center cares about the continued well-being of not only those that graduate from Victory, but their families as well. Contact us today to find out more. (337) 379.7700