Meet Our Staff: Erin Lovett
Erin Lovett – Counselor
Why did you become a counselor?
I love the field of psychology and the social sciences and want to know why people do what they do. I enjoy problem solving and listening to the fascinating stories that people share with me. The human brain and its capabilities intrigues me. What I find so often is that people don’t see the brain as an organ the way they see the heart, kidney, lung, etc. The brain can be defective, just as other organs can be defective, and plays a major role in mental illness and addiction. In addition to my education and clinical knowledge, my own life experiences allow me to help others. I love that.
What is your favorite quote?
“When you are at peace with yourself, and love yourself, it is virtually impossible to be self-destructive.”
-Wayne Dyer
What is your favorite book?
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
What is your approach to counseling?
As a social worker, I follow a code of ethics that indicates that I “meet the client where he/she is.” This means that I must create a treatment plan that is based on the needs of the client. Thus, I utilize a variation of theory in practice such as cognitive-behavioral, attachment, and portions of psychoanalytic.
What is your worst habit?
Eating sugar.
If you could meet anyone past or present who would it be?
My Grandfather.
What is your proudest moment?
Having my daughter and watching her grow.
Who was your role model growing up?
My parents have been married for 39 years. They have been the greatest role models for me because they are loving, trustworthy, they place a great emphasis on family and family time, and they are loyal, honest, and kind. They are the kind of people that I strive to be and surround myself with today.
What is your favorite board game?
No board games, but I love Solitaire and FreeCell.
Favorite part about your job?
There are many facets of my job that I love; however, I work with and for amazing people who genuinely care about our clients and each other. My supervisors and co-workers are absolutely the most dedicated, hard-working, and supportive people. They make my already fulfilling job even better.