Overcoming Alcohol Addiction
Overcoming alcohol addiction requires that the first part of the journey look much the same for everyone:
No matter how many times you have tried to give up a substance and failed, don’t give up the quest for a new life. A person who is not suffering from their addiction will seldom seek help. A person whose life has fallen apart will often listen to another person who has recovered from the same problem.
Few people will immediately accept that they are struggling with addiction, but many will accept that their life is not as they would like it. This dissatisfaction is often enough to draw them into the recovery process.
Some people choose to get sober by going to 12-step programs. Others require more intense treatment, where they get a chance to not only break their habit of addiction but also to learn new coping methods without daily distractions. The first action is to decide to make a change and ask for guidance from people who have been successful overcoming alcohol addiction.
Overcoming alcohol addiction requires:
- Developing new, supportive relationships
- Implementing health lifestyle changes, including self-care techniques
- Implementing stress management techniques
- Improving self-esteem and self-worth
Recovering from addiction is a long process, requiring time, commitment, motivation, life changes, and support.
Once the decision to challenge substance addiction is made, the next step is to explore treatment options. Treatment choices may include the following:
- Attending 12-step meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous.
- Going into treatment. Treatment should address more than substance addiction. Addiction impacts everything, including relationships, work/school, health, and psychological well-being.
As you seek help for substance addiction, it’s also important to get treatment for any other medical or psychological issues you’re facing. The best chance for recovery is through treatment for the substance abuse issue and any existing mental health issues — this is also known as co-occurring treatment.
For example, you can attend 12-step programs, have a therapist, and get a complete medical exam. Or, you can go into a full-service treatment center that will evaluate and treat your addiction, your psychological standing, and your medical health. The important thing is to begin the recovery process. If your drinking has progressed to an advanced stage, you will in all probability benefit most from inpatient treatment.
Talk with a specialist today and get your personal situation assessed. Please contact us anytime at (337) 379.7700. Our admissions specialists are standing by.