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The Rehab Admissions Process

By on Oct 21, 2016 in Blog, Recovery

rehab admissions process - consultation - victory addiction recovery centerWhen one is ready for recovery, the next step is to research and secure a rehab facility.

Whether a residential treatment center, a detoxification program, an intensive outpatient program, or a sober living environment, there are many options to choose from. The rehab admissions process differs depending on the facility, but some common procedures and best practices can be noted.

First and foremost, a reputable rehab facility will not require payment for an initial consultation. Most facilities have good intentions regarding recovery, but they also want your business. Keep this in mind as you set up your first appointment, and remember to ask if there is a charge to meet the team and take a campus tour.

During a rehab admissions process, it’s critical to ask questions in order determine if the facility will offer the best care for your situation.

Questions may include:

  • What treatment approaches are used and are they evidence-based?
  • What are the qualifications of the counselors and or therapists?
  • How often do clients meet with their primary counselor/therapist?
  • Do they offer an after-care program and/or a family program?
  • What is their addiction recovery philosophy?
  • What is the duration of the treatment?
  • Is treatment tailored to each individual’s needs?
  • What insurance is acceptable?
  • Is dual-diagnosis treatment available?
  • What are some of their success stories?

During a rehab admissions process, a simple yet comprehensive needs-assessment may be performed. This may be a series of questions relating to the drug of choice and habits pertaining to usage. It’s imperative that you answer these questions honestly as this will have a direct effect in determining which level of care is needed and which treatment program would be best suited for your situation.

Lastly, a rehab admissions process should be confidential and respectfully conducted. No one should ever feel patronized or judged – especially during a time when compassion and support is essential. In addition, a rehab admissions process ought to be stress-free and conducted by a staff member who is knowledgeable and professional. If the atmosphere is chaotic, leaving you without a full understanding of what programs are offered and their philosophy on addiction recovery – it may be a sign to contact another facility.

If you or someone you love needs help overcoming addiction, please contact us anytime at (337) 379.7700.

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