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Social Media and Substance Abuse

By on Apr 1, 2016 in Addiction, Blog

Social media can fuel substance abuse.

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With the strong influence of social media, it’s no wonder that people can be persuaded into trying things they would not normally try. How are medical professionals and addiction specialists to compete?

Fortunately, many internet resources, including some social media, can also promote sobriety. People who are unable to attend AA and NA meetings in person can attend online meetings. Celebrities can use social media to send positive messages about their recovery.

Social media can also be used for education about addiction.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse points to the potential power of platforms like Facebook and Twitter in helping to convey accurate information about drugs and alcohol and to show trends in user attitudes and behaviors that can help researchers who study trends in addiction. Social media is a way to provide people with quick, informal education and links to resources in order to get the help they need. Healthcare professionals have started using social media as a means to communicate the risks involved with substance abuse.

If you or someone you love needs help overcoming addiction, please contact us anytime at (337) 379.7700.


Using Social Media to Better Understand, Prevent, and Treat Substance Abuse: National Institute on Drug Abuse. October 16, 2014. Retrieved February 11, 2016.

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