Drug Abuse Treatment in Lafayette
If you or your loved one are struggling with drug abuse, you are not alone.
The 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that an estimated 24.6 million Americans aged 12 or older were current (past month) illicit drug users. This number does not include alcohol or prescription drugs. Whatever your drug or drugs of abuse may be, Victory Addiction Recovery Center can help. Victory offers drug abuse treatment in Lafayette, Louisiana, to adult men and women. Our program is comprehensive and includes detoxification, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, and a family care support group.
Victory’s drug abuse treatment center in Lafayette is dedicated to taking care of you or your loved one while teaching you to take care of yourself. Drug abuse and addiction rob individuals of their ability to be responsible for the life they are leading, and addiction treatment allows them to heal and begin learning new tools and techniques for navigating life clean and sober. It also restores confidence and self esteem, which are indispensable.
After the detox phase, clients will begin to heal mentally and emotionally through our program.
The residential program provides round-the-clock care in a therapeutic environment. Individuals will benefit from individual, group and gender-specific therapy, as well as addiction education. In addition, clients will participate in spirituality and meditation groups, 12-Step meetings and physical training, and have access to a dietitian. Victory’s outpatient program (IOP) allows continued support with evening sessions that address addiction education, relapse prevention, spirituality, 12-Steps and other important related topics.
Family members of clients who are participating in our drug abuse treatment in Lafayette are encouraged to attend and take part in our Family Care Support Group. This feature is provided at no cost to family members.
For more information about Victory Addiction Recovery Center and our programs, please call today at (337) 379.7700. Help is available!
Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings (September, 2014). Retrieved October 2016.