Drug Detoxification Center Near Lake Charles Louisiana
The most qualified drug detoxification center near Lake Charles, Louisiana, is Victory Addiction Recovery Center.
The backbone that makes Victory Addiction Recovery Center so effective is our dedicated addiction specialists and innovative recovery programs.
Finding a drug detoxification center near Lake Charles, Louisiana, is not an easy task to undertake. It takes a lot of time and effort to call treatment centers and ask the right questions. It’s imperative to ensure that a treatment center provides a qualified medical staff that is available 24/7 to monitor the process and comfort level of the client. As detoxification from alcohol is different than detoxing from heroin, it’s essential to make certain the treatment centers you contact are capable of handling whichever substance you are concerned with.
Those who choose Victory as their drug detoxification center near Lake Charles, Louisiana, are comfortable knowing the medical doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists are not only licensed and certified but also specialize in alcohol and drug detox.
Clients are monitored around the clock to ensure an experience that is as safe and comfortable as possible. Once physically stable from detoxification, one can begin the recovery process by healing the mental and emotional trauma associated with addiction.
Once a needs assessment has been completed, our medical specialists here at Victory will devise a personalized recovery plan with different treatment modalities best suited for each individual. Whether in Inpatient Treatment or our Outpatient Program, clients will learn the essential tools proven for long-term sobriety. These tools will be instilled through individual and gender-specific group therapy, 12-Step meetings, meditation and spiritual treatments, recreational and nutritional therapy and more.
Victory Addiction Recovery Center also offers a Family Care Support Group at no additional cost.
Family members can participate in their loved one’s recovery by learning the skill-sets that change enabling into detachment, and controlling into letting go. When family members participate in recovery, there is often a higher success rate with ongoing recovery.
If you are looking for a drug detoxification center near Lake Charles, Louisiana, give us a call. Learn more about our innovative programs and success stories. Our intake specialists are available 24/7 and can provide free, confidential assessments to anyone who feels they or a family member is in need of treatment.
If believe you or a loved one may have a problem with addiction, contact us at (337) 379.7700. Our admissions specialists are standing by.