Victory Partners with LPSS for Substance Abuse Education
On Wednesday, June 11th, Victory Addiction Recovery Center hosted a workshop for Lafayette Parish School System social workers and mental health professionals. The training was provided to increase the staff’s knowledge and understanding of addiction to better serve students and their families.
The presentation, done by Katie Buller, Victory’s Director of Clinical Services, focused on three specific areas: the disease of addiction, educating students about substance abuse, and how to identify substance abuse in a student or family member. First, LPSS social workers were introduced to the disease model/concept of addiction. Buller explained how and where addiction can manifest along with its effects on the brain.
The discussion then turned to educating students about the dangers and effects of drug and alcohol abuse. Victory staff compiled a curriculum that aligns with national education standards in the life sciences and language arts. The program called Drugs + Your Body = It Isn’t Pretty engages students to use critical thinking skills and discussion to examine how substance abuse can not only affect them physically but also damage their social and academic lives.
The workshop wrapped up by teaching skills that will help the social workers identify if a student or a family member is struggling with substance abuse. They were instructed on possible warning signs and how to intervene to get that child or adult the help they need.
Victory’s partnership with LPSS will prove fruitful, as the training and skills provided fall directly in line with Superintendent Dr. Pat Cooper’s health and wellness objective outlined in the “100% In, 100% Out” plan. The workshop was done as a community service, as Victory is committed to educating the community on addiction and substance abuse.
Below is a link to local media on the workshop:
-Doug MacDiarmid
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