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What Makes Victory the Best Choice for Addiction Treatment in Lafayette?

By on Sep 28, 2023 in Addiction Treatment, Blog

Are you finding yourself in need of help for drug and alcohol addiction? Perhaps you have tried and relapsed more than once, or you were one of the thousands who overdosed in the last year. You’re ready for help.

It’s wise to spend some time comparing programs and gaining more insight into which treatment center in Lafayette and the surrounding areas is best for you. You’ll want to find a program that can help you grow, flourish, and become the person you want to be. 

We can’t speak for other treatment centers, but there are some key reasons why we believe Victory Addiction Recovery Center is the best drug and alcohol treatment program in Louisiana.

Quality, Affordable Addiction Treatment Care

We work with most health insurance providers. We keep our costs low for those who don’t have health insurance to cover their needs. Competitive cost is often a clear barrier for many who need addiction treatment the most. That’s why we work consistently to keep costs in line with expectations.

If you’re not sure how to pay for addiction treatment, reach out to our admission counselors. We can verify coverage and offer other avenues that may be available to you. We encourage you to fill out our insurance verification form below. You’re not committing to care by providing this info. Or just give us a call!

A Comprehensive Path to Restoration

Our team of highly skilled professionals works closely with each of our clients to ensure superior care and attention to their needs. To do that, we focus on treating the whole person:

  • Body
  • Mind
  • Spirit

We also utilize a multidisciplinary approach to care. That’s because we know that not everyone benefits from or needs the same type of care. Having individualized care available to you can be an enormous help. You shouldn’t feel pressured to work through programs that don’t feel right. Instead, allow our team to help you navigate a recovery that’s specifically geared toward your needs, interests, and goals.

We Offer Going Support to Prevent Relapse

The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that 40 to 60% of people with substance use disorders relapse after care. We aim to minimize that risk by providing you with ongoing support and guidance. There’s no way to cure addiction, but we offer many opportunities for long-term support, from transitional living to our alumni program. We don’t leave your side, and when you’re ready to move away from our care, we’ll still be here if you need us.

Our Professionals Program Gets It

Our professionals program is designed to help people in high-stress jobs get treatment while also learning how to better navigate a work/life balance. If you are in a high-stress job, such as healthcare or the legal system, and you’re struggling with substance use, we can help you get back on track with our comprehensive 30 to 90-day program.

We Support Your Family as Well

A component of your drug and alcohol treatment plan is working to rebuild your family relationships, those that are important to you and healthy for your recovery. Addiction changes relationships, but with consistent work and family counseling, it’s possible to regain trust and build a stronger future for you and those you love.

Family therapy can help to support your long-term recovery. It can also be critical to helping your loved ones to overcome the challenges they are facing. Our family care groups support your family members. We also offer family week during treatment, where your family will be able to visit with you and learn about what you’re going through.  

We Are Passionate, Dedicated Providers

We advocate for your recovery and future. Every step of the way, the team at Victory wants to be there supporting your unique challenges and giving you the resources you need to thrive. No matter what brought you to this point in your life, you will have guidance and support from a modern, compassionate treatment center when you rely on us.

Let us help you today. Contact our team at Victory Addiction Recovery Center, an accredited drug and alcohol treatment program in Lafayette, LA, to learn how we can help you. Our counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.