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How to Talk to Your Parents About Your Drug Use

By on Jul 31, 2023 in Addiction, Blog

As a young adult, your life is likely changing at a rapid pace. You’re trying to find your way, whether you’ve completed college, are in college, or perhaps are working in a career. You have your own friends, maybe your own place, and lots of ideas for the future. To unwind or have fun or ease anxiety, you may use alcohol and experiment with drugs. 

It’s important to realize that addiction can develop even in those who believe they can control how much they are using. Some people find themselves seeking out the substance on a constant basis, even needing to use it to get through the day. Coming to the realization that you’ve developed a substance use disorder isn’t easy, but when it becomes obvious to you, it’s time to get help. You may wonder the following:

  • Can you turn to your parents for help?
  • Should you just try to navigate this as an adult on your own?
  • What can anyone do for you?

It may seem impossible, but people do recover from addiction. Not only that, but they can go on to create successful lives. With support, it may be possible to get your life back on track and achieve your goals.

Making the Decision to Confide in Your Parents

Every situation differs, but for many young adults, parental support is a first choice – parents can guide you in getting care, help pay for that care, and support you along the way. If your parents are likely to offer support and encouragement, certainly reach out to them.

But know that you don’t have to do so. If you have a history of abuse, neglect, or other trauma from your childhood or your parents may be using substances themselves, you can and should find support elsewhere and make your own needs a priority. 

Communicating with Your Loved Ones

How can you talk to your parents, or any loved one, about your addiction? No matter who you decide to reach out to for help, find someone. This recovery process can be mentally and physically challenging. If there’s someone in your life willing and able to help you (even just providing emotional support), it will benefit you.

The question many people have, though, is how to ask for help. It’s difficult to reach out, especially if you don’t want to disappoint or otherwise hurt that individual. You may not want them to see your “weak side” or to have to deal with “your problem.” Yet, those who truly are worth talking to are not going to push you away. Here are some tips for starting that conversation.

  • Ask for some time and patience. Let them know you’re opening up from your heart. Simply give them a bit of warning that this is a big decision for you to make.
  • State what your symptoms are. Addiction is a disease. Be open about what you’re feeling. For example, you may share that you have intense cravings that are so hard to fight that you can’t seem to quit using. Showcase how this is impacting your life.
  • Express that you understand why your addiction has occurred and that you are ready to stop and seek help.
  • Be frank about what you need from them. “I need someone to stay by my side.” “I need someone to keep me motivated.”

In most cases, the person or people you confide in will have questions. Sometimes parents will be angry or hurt, but hopefully they will also recognize the courage it took for you to share with them. 

What to Do Next in Addiction Recovery

When you find someone to help you, they may say, “What can I do?” What do you say then? That’s where some key decisions are made.

For many people, it means calling a treatment center, entering into detox, and starting a residential treatment program. You may need someone’s help doing this:

  • You may need someone who can push you to go and not let you back down or give up.
  • You may need someone to help you care for children, pets, or other responsibilities so  you can focus on your recovery.
  • Perhaps you need financial support while you take time off to focus on your health.
  • You may need help navigating insurance coverage for addiction treatment. 
  • Sometimes you have all of this under control, but you need someone to just talk to you and help you know you’re doing the right thing.

Beyond any doubt, it is one of the most important – but also one of the most difficult – decisions you will make in your lifetime to get into drug and alcohol treatment. With help, you can achieve healing. 

Contact Victory Addiction Recovery Center now. Within a few weeks of treatment, your life could be much improved. Let our team in Lafayette, Louisiana, be there to listen and support you even if you don’t have anyone else in your corner. We are here for you now.

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