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Will I See Family If I Go to Addiction Treatment?

By on Feb 28, 2025 in Addiction Treatment, Blog

Addiction is a devastating disease that impacts the physical, emotional, and mental health of an individual and often damages families along the way. Family is a part of the recovery journey, and yet, there are also critical components to treatment that you need to do on your own.

Many people wonder if they will see family when they go to addiction treatment. The answer is yes, and there are various “buts” that could go along with that. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind.

Family Needs to be Supportive

Ensuring you have family support is critical to the recovery process, but only if that family is truly willing to heal with you. Addiction is not a disease that impacts just one person but often plays a role in the entire nuclear family. Your family members faced the terror of your disease, the ups and downs of your struggle with finances, the law, and getting treatment, and they had to navigate the emotional trauma at every turn. There is often damage in those experiences.

With the help of your treatment team, you’ll decide:

  • If you need to maintain relationships with those who have been close to you throughout your substance use disorder (SUD). The need to maintain such relationships with close family is one that only you can decide on based on what is best for your future.
  • If you need to cut ties with certain individuals so you can heal. There may be people in your life who simply are not going to be supportive of your SUD or your recovery. You have no obligation to anyone but yourself going forward.

Depending on where each situation lies, you’ll then be able to work with your treatment team to create a plan for navigating the bumps and obstacles in the way of healing those relationships you want to keep.

Your Family During Treatment

At Victory Addiction Recovery Center, we offer a comprehensive family therapy program. This means your entire family can work with you on your recovery. This benefits you and helps them learn how to support you in the future.

There are several ways this happens.

Family Care Group

Once you enroll in our treatment program, you’ll have an opportunity every week from 6 pm to 8 pm to visit with family. This is Family Care Night. It’s an opportunity for you and your family to work together with a qualified counselor. These weekly meetings are meant to provide both support and education. They teach your family about codependency, 12-Step treatment, and self-care. 

We believe family is a crucial part of long-term recovery. That is why this weekly group meeting is critical to your success.

Family Week

During the third to fourth week that you are in treatment, you’ll experience family week. During this week, there will be a variety of sessions for your family members to take to explore treatment as well as engage in therapy with you. There are numerous parts of this period, including lectures, interactive events, components based on forgiveness, and opportunities to get to know each other. It is a profound opportunity to explore a new future with support.

Can Family See and Talk to You During Treatment?

Family is a big part of your recovery, but we put some key rules in place during treatment to facilitate your best possible support and focus on treatment.

You can receive phone calls whenever you like, as long as they are not during structured activities. You will be given an ID number that allows anyone to call you, but you control who can contact you.

In addition, we offer visitation on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. This is a great time for family members to visit, share updates, and connect in person. Once you have been present at the treatment center for seven days, these types of events become available to you.

Are You Ready to Explore Treatment?

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment in Lafayette, LA, is available to those who are ready to embrace a better future. Your family is a part of your future, and, therefore, they are a part of your drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Our team at Victory Addiction Recovery Center welcomes you and your family into our program. You will find a supportive place here where you can work to heal through your wounds and create a better future for you and your loved ones.

Contact Victory Addiction Recovery Center now to learn more about treatment programs. Speak to our team about your needs and goals. Let us answer your questions about family and remaining connected while you receive the care you need.