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Signs You May Need Inpatient Drug Addiction Treatment

By on Jul 12, 2022 in Addiction, Blog

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Drug and alcohol addiction is a complex disease that impacts people in many ways. While some people may successfully quit using substances on their own, studies show that professional treatment and recovery support give a person the best chance of sustaining long-term sobriety. Addiction treatment options vary in intensity. Someone whose addiction is not severe and who has a supportive home environment may benefit from outpatient treatment. For most people, though, residential/inpatient treatment is the better choice.

What Is Inpatient Drug Treatment?

An inpatient treatment program allows you to step away from home and routine for a few weeks to focus on healing and rebuilding your life. Many people enter inpatient treatment after completing a detox program. During detox, the dependence on the substance is broken. You no longer feel the intense cravings and the compelling desire to use. However, this is just the beginning. You still need to examine why you became addicted as well as deal with the trauma and damage caused by addiction. That happens in inpatient drug rehab.

In inpatient treatment, you’ll work with therapists in individual and group therapy. You’ll spend time participating in holistic, evidence-based care. During this time, your focus is on healing from addiction, but also on gaining better control over mental health disorders, if present, and past trauma. The benefits of inpatient drug addiction treatment make the time and effort well worth it.

How Do You Know You Need Inpatient Drug Addiction Treatment?

The simple answer to this is that you do not know until you have a full assessment from a trained therapist and medical provider. These professionals consider your unique needs based on your life prior to getting treatment and the risks present for relapse. In the following situations, inpatient drug addiction treatment is ideal:

You’ve Relapsed in the Past

If you’ve relapsed, it means you need to revisit treatment and revise your treatment plan. You will likely need more therapy or a different type of therapy. During inpatient drug addiction treatment, you’ll receive a higher level of treatment that can help to prevent cravings and relapse risks. You’ll also develop a clear plan for how to manage cravings so you can avoid relapse.

You Have a Co-Occurring Disorder

Some people struggle with mental health disorders as well as addiction. When this happens, it’s necessary to treat both conditions at the same time. That’s easier and more effectively done in a treatment center. The first step is generally assessing what’s occurring. Then, doctors will need to consider the most effective treatment for you, which could include medications for managing your mental health disorders.

These medications often take a lot of time to balance and get right. Doing that in a treatment center can be more successful. If both conditions are not treated at the same time, the risk of relapse is very high.

You Don’t Have a Drug-Free Home Environment

If you are unable to live in a drug-free environment while you are in therapy, it may be best to move into a treatment center. Residential treatment programs can last from 14 to 90 days, though most are about three weeks. During that time, you’ll be free from drugs and alcohol and build up your confidence to resist these substances. That’s not easy to do when temptation is present at home.

Your Health Is Also Suffering

Addiction causes medical complications for many people. During addiction treatment, it’s important that help is available to you to address potential health consequences. Some people struggle with heart disease, anemia, cancer, seizures, high blood pressure, or even Hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS as a result of their drug use. Or, they have not received proper care for these conditions due to their addiction. In an inpatient treatment center, your physical needs can be met.

Your Former Outpatient Therapy Failed

If you started out in outpatient therapy, but it just did not work for you, inpatient therapy offers a better solution. Note that outpatient therapy is not ideal for those who have been addicted for some time and who experience strong cravings and withdrawal symptoms. For those with milder forms of addiction, outpatient treatment can be beneficial. But if it does not work and you continue to use, increasing the level of care you receive is necessary.

Still Unsure if You Need This Care?

It’s never easy to make the decision to step away from your family and friends for a while. Yet, for many people with addiction, the time spent in inpatient therapy is beneficial. It can help you to stop using, regain confidence, develop a better sense of who you are, and start on the path to rebuilding your life. It can also give you more hands-on tools to fight addiction and set your life on a path toward your long-term goals.

Consider the value of inpatient drug addiction treatment and then turn to Victory Addiction Recovery Center for an assessment. We’re confident you’ll find our inpatient program in Lafayette comfortable and beneficial.

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Considering inpatient addiction treatment in Louisiana? To learn more about our programs at Victory Addiction Recovery Center, please contact us anytime at (337) 379.7700.